1. The issue this article talks
about is if there truly is prosperity without growth. It questions
our GDP formula (GDP = C+I+G+(Exports-Imports)) because the formula does not
calculate in "the over exploitation of
resources, the destruction of biological diversity, air pollution, noise, the
expansion of impervious surfaces known as soil sealing, and the poisoning of
2. This issue really can be related to when we talked about
the GDP formula and how it was affected by its factors of the equation. This
article now makes us think if there is actually something else that affects the
formula and makes GDP increase or decrease.
3. What lead to this was economist's not wanting to include
outside environmental factors. This is a really hard policy to figure out
because while economists really do want to find a way to measure GDP, they also
would love to find a way to measure it properly and include environmental
issues. I really do not know of any solutions or any way to improve the formula
to include these factors.
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