Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fixing Europe

1. In this article I have read, it talks about how the Euro zone is trying to fix the crisis on its hands by having the southern countries leave the union. Now this would create a huge recession in Europe that would affect the entire world. The issue with these countries leaving the euro zone is that there is no way they can leave without the European nation and the suggestion was to implement the old currencies back into the economy but the article then goes on to explain why it won’t work?

2. I think it can be related to the topic of the McMillan book of those who cannot pay die. What the article is talking about doing would most definitely punish those countries that cannot pay their own bills. These southern countries are trying to be left out because they depend upon the other European countries to help them out which then hurts the overall European economy. 

3. What led to the down fall of the European Nation was indeed the nation coming together itself. The problem with the European Nation is that the fiscal policy for each country is still different and this difference is not helpful when you are trying to act as an entire nation with one currency. Either the European countries need to decide to make a body that can make fiscal and monetary decisions or they need to split up and become the separate nations they want to act as.  

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